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Options - Syntax Highlighting

These give the options for the display of SQL in the Run SQL window. Any changes to these options take effect only the next time a Run SQL window is opened.

The SQL is displayed using the Essential Edit from Syncfusion. These options configure this control.

Access these options through Run SQL > Syntax Highlighting.

Font Name

This specifies the Font to use for the text. Other attributes of the text (such as Bold, Italic etc) are given in the Colors box on this tab. The default font is Courier New, 9 pt.

Replace Tab with Spaces

This option specifies what is to happen when the Tab key is pressed:

Automatic Indenting

Specifies whether the SQL text is to be automatically indented as new lines are entered.

Line Spacing

Gives the space between lines in the Editor. By default, this is 1.

Background Color

This specifies the background color of the editor box.

Tab Stops

This allows you to specify the stop positions when the Tab key is hit.

Specify these as a comma-separated list - eg. 10,20,30

Column Guides

This option allows you to specify a number of Column Guides. These appear as a vertical bar in the Run SQL window, and is useful for lining text up in a particular column positions.

Specify these as a comma-separated list - eg. 10,20,30. Values have to be greater than 1.

The Column Guides will only appear in the Run SQL window when you have clicked on View > Column Guides in the Run SQL window.

Highlight Current Line

When this option is selected, the current line in the SQL Editor will be highlighted with the specified color.


This box specifies the colors and text effects of the various types of text in your SQL.

Clicking on Reset this color to Default resets the colors of this text element to the default settings.

Clicking on Reset all colors to Default resets the colors of all text elements to their default settings.

Note that Column and Table colors will only display in the Run SQL window when AQT has loaded the column list for the table. This is done with (in the Run SQL window) Table > Build Column List for Query Table or F2.

Highlight Table and Column Names

When this option is selected, Table and Column names in your SQL will be highlighted.

The colors used for this are given in the Colors box - items Columns and Tables.