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Advanced Options

This tab contains some more advanced / less-frequently used options.




LOB options

These are discussed in Exporting LOBS.

Use date format as specified in Options > Display Format

Formats date columns as specified in Options > Display Format. If this is not specified, date columns will be formatted in yyyy-mm-dd format, which is the format most databases require for data being loaded.

Include this export in the Export History?

Specifies whether this export will be included in the Export History

Write Text > Before data

You can specify text that is to be written to the file before the query-data is written. This might (for instance) be a heading or a title line. It is also useful for separating query-data if you are appending many query-results to the same file.

Not relevant for Insert or XML exports.

Write Text > After data

You can specify text that is to be written to the file after the query-data is written. This might (for instance) be a closing line.

Not relevant for Insert or XML exports.

Text Before/After

In your text you can also specify a number of keywords:


Line-feed (this enables you to specify a multi-line header).


Blank line.


The number of rows exported. Can only be specified in Text after.


Your query SQL.


Your query SQL compacted. The SQL has line-feeds and extraneous blanks removed.

Advanced Query Tool
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