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Highlighting Particular Cells in the grid

You can specify that particular cells in the grid are to be highlighted.

This is done with the Highlight Cells window. This can be invoked by View > Highlight Cells or click on the Layout button and select Highlight Cells.


On the Highlight Cell window you specify a series of conditions and, when matched, the highlight color of the cell.

If you select Only show rows that meet a condition, only the rows that meet one of the conditions will be shown in the grid. The other rows will be hidden.

Click on Apply to apply the hightlight conditions to the grid, and keep the Highlight Cells window open.

Click on Close to apply the hightlight conditions to the grid, and close the Highlight Cells window.

Highlighting is Saved with the Layout

When you save the layout of the table, the Highlight Cell conditions are saved with the layout.

When you apply the layout, the Highlight Conditions are reapplied to the display.