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Moving AQT to a new machine

If you wish to install AQT on a new machine, the procedure is as follows:

Once AQT is running to your satisfaction on the new machine:

To connect to your databases on the new machine you will need to:


AQT is licensed by user. You may install AQT on multiple machines, as long as it is only used by yourself. There is no problem with having AQT installed on your old machine plus new machine at the same time.

Copy your AQT settings

Copy your AQT License Key

We provide no mechanism for doing this. It is strongly recommended that you retain a copy of your license key for installation on a new machine.

For more info see Lost your registration Key?

Copy your Queries, History and other AQT Files

By default AQT files are held at %APPDATA%\Advanced Query Tool. For Windows 7. 10 and 11 this will normally be C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Advanced Query Tool\ however may be different depending on how your Windows system has been configured.

You may also have specified different directories for the AQT workfiles and queries. These are specified in Options > File Locations.

Copying your ODBC Datasource definitions

If you are using File DSNs, then you can simply copy the File DSN files to your new machine.

Otherwise there's no real way to do this - Microsoft provides no means to copy ODBC datasource settings between machines. The procedure described below is not recommended and may take more time to resolve problems than it will save.

The ODBC datasource definitions are held in the registry in the following places:

You can use Regedit export/import to copy these entries between machines. However be aware:

For some databases you will need to do some additional steps in addition to creating/copying the Datasource definitions. For example, for Oracle, you will need to set up tns_names.ora file with the connection info for the databases

Moving DB2 Connections

If you have some DB2 connections, you can migrate these to a new machine by using the db2cfexp and db2cfimp commands. These are run from a DB2 Command window.