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Options - Unicode Options

Enable Unicode Features

Specifies whether Unicode support in AQT is enabled. This is discussed in more detail in Unicode Support.

By default, Unicode support is enabled. You should also switch this of if you are having problems accessing your database; it could be that your database doesn't support the unicode-enabled interface used by AQT when this option is selected.

Use Unicode with ODBC Functions

Specifies whether AQT is to use the Unicode version of the ODBC Function calls. For most databases this option will not have any effect unless Options > Database Explorer > Get Table Information from > ODBC functions has been selected.

By default this option is not selected. You may wish to check this if you have a database that has Unicode in the table and column names, and you are using the ODBC functions option.


The remainder of the options relate to the use of unicode strings in SQL statements. Many database have limitations in how these are used. We have developed a set of workarounds that enable unicode strings to be used within AQT for these databases.

For Oracle, use UNISTR for Unicode strings

This option is discussed in Unicode Support for Oracle. When this option is checked, AQT will scan all SQL being run against an Oracle database. If it finds some unicode characters, it will replace the Unicode characters wuth UNISTR function calls.

The UNISTR function is not available in Oracle v8, so you should not set this option if you are running Oracle v8.

For SQLServer, ensure Unicode strings are in N'xxx' format

This option is discussed in Unicode Support for SQL Server. When this option is checked, AQT will scan all SQL being run against a SQL Server database. If it finds some unicode characters, it will ensure that the strings are preceded with an N (for example N'ald').

For Sybase, use TO_UNICHAR for Unicode strings

This option is specified in Unicode Support for Sybase. When this option is checked, AQT will scan all SQL being run against a Sybase database. If it finds some unicode characters, it will replace the Unicode characters with to_unichar function calls.

For Sybase Anywhere, replace Unicode strings with parameters.

This option is specified in Unicode Support for Sybase Anywhere. When this option is checked, AQT will scan all SQL being run against a Sybase Anywhere database. If it finds some unicode characters, it will replace them with a parameter marker, and pass the unicode string in the parameter.