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Using Shared Queries

In addition to your personal queries, you can have Shared Queries. These are queries that would be shared amongst the members of your work group.

To specify Shared Queries, in Options > File Locations > Location of Shared Queries - specify a directory which is accessible to the members of your workgroup. An example would be a directory on a shared server.

Once you have done this, the Queries display in the Database Explorer will show you both Personal Queries and Shared Queries.

Shared Queries1

Amending Shared Queries

By default, you won't be able to amend any Shared Queries, or add new ones.

If you need to do this, go to Options > User Rights and select Allow Changes to Shared Queries > Warn or Yes. If you change this option, it is recommended that you only do so for a short time to perform a particular task. It should not be selected for a long period of time as this might result in inadvertent changes to shared queries.

System administrators may wish to lock this setting to prevent unauthorised users from changing it.

File Open / Save window

The Open / Save window now has two buttons - Home and Shared Home

You can open files in either directory, but can only save files in the Shared directory if authorized to do so.

Copying a Personal Query to a Shared Query

Once you have developed a query as a personal query, you may then wish to move this to the Shared query folders.

You can do so by:

Shared Queries