Data Export

Data Export allows you to export your data, either a table or the result of a query.

You can export in a variety of formats:

  • Delimited File (also called CSV). You can specify the variable delimiter and other options.
  • Fixed Format. This format is compatible with the DB2 z/OS Load Utility.
  • HTML. This allows you to export your data as an html table. This is often a useful way to save the results of a query or to send a set of data to another person.
  • Insert Statements. Your data will be exported as a series of Insert statements. These can be used as a simple backup of your table, or to load your data into a different table.
  • Excel. This can be done even if you don't have Excel installed on your system.
  • Grid File. This exports the data in the format of an AQT saved-grid. You can then view the grid in AQT as if the query were run from AQT.
  • XML. This exports the data in XML format.
  • JSON. AQT can export data in this format.
Export Dialog


  • you can export your data directly from a table/query without first displaying it. This allows you to export a large amount of data quickly with minimal memory usage.
  • LOBs (such as images) can be exported - these will be exported as a series of files linked-to by the main export. See here for an example.
  • there is an option Always create a new file. This will prevent any previous export files from being overwritten.
  • if you are exporting a large amount of data, you can specify that the data is written to a number of different files / Excel worksheets. You can spread your data over the different files based on the value of a column.
  • you can run your exports in unattended batch mode (for instance, overnight).

Export Multiple Tables

This feature allows you to export your data from an entire schema of tables in a single operation.

  • your export filenames can come from the names of the tables
Loading all the tables in a schema